Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine in India, offers a holistic approach to health and wellness. When it comes to addressing chronic pain, Ayurvedic treatments focus on restoring balance to the body and mind. The fundamental principles of Ayurveda emphasize the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit, considering each individual unique in their constitution. Chronic pain, according to Ayurveda, can be a result of an imbalance in these doshas. Therefore, Ayurvedic treatments for chronic pain aim to restore harmony among the doshas.
“Prakriti Nirupan” Identifying the individual’s dosha constitution, known as Prakriti
This is determined through assessment of physical characteristics, anatomical nature , age, Behaviour, Food Habit, Personal traits, and overall health.
Once the Prakriti is established, Ayurvedic practitioners can tailor a treatment plan to address the specific imbalances contributing to chronic pain.
Ayurvedic treatment has been recognized for its effectiveness in managing various types of pain, offering a unique and holistic approach that considers the individual’s constitution, or dosha, to bring about balance and relief. Here are key aspects of how Ayurvedic treatments prove to be effective for pain management.
- *Dosha ( functional unit of body)consideration:*
According to ayurvedic physiology Doshas are functional unit of body. According to Ayurvedic pathophysiology after improper diet & indulgence these doshas are aggravated & displaced from their original site , stored in some other site & create diseases. Chronic pain often results from an imbalance in these doshas mainly Vata dosha. Ayurvedic treatments focus on restoring equilibrium by understanding the predominant dosha causing the pain. For instance, if Vata imbalance is detected, treatments aim to pacify and balance Vata through specific Medicine, Panchakarma, Conduct, Dietary and lifestyle adjustments.
Empanelled doctors of Ayurlife advised patient only after determination of Doshik condition of the patient. Thus it i is the best Pain Management Centre in Kolkata
Contact/watsapp: 9830332926 or www.ayurlife.co.in for details.
- *Customized Approach:*
Ayurvedic treatments are highly individualized objecting to individual jata sharer prakriti.. Practitioners assess the unique constitution (Prakriti) and current state (Vikriti) of the individual, then set up a personalized treatment plan. This customized approach addresses the root cause of pain, leading to more effective and sustainable relief.
In Ayurlife after receving the histry , medical reports, chief complain doctors set an individual plan for indivisual patient .
Contact/watsapp: 9830332926 or www.ayurlife.co.in for details.
- *Herbal Remedies:*
So many medicinal plants are there containing bio marker or phytoconstituent responsible for pain relief or vata shamak in nature. Nisinda, Eranda, Kunch, Pipul, Naluka, Jatamansi, Aswagandha, Guggul, Punaranava like drugs containing alkaloid control pain remove swelling, give relief from movement restriction.
Some minerals & herbo mineral composition quoted in different ayurvedic text are very much effective for all types of pain. Ayurveda realise heavily on the use of herbal remedies derived from natural sources. Various herbs , herbo mineral composition possess anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and muscle-relaxant properties, providing relief from pain.
Ayurlife suggests different single herbs, compound formulation, herbo-mineral preparation for pain relief at a very reasonable cost.
Contact/watsapp: 9830332926 or www.ayurlife.co.in for details.
- *Balanced Diet:*
Ayurvedic dietary recommendations play a crucial role in pain management. Foods are categorized based on their test like madhur(sweet), amla(sour) lavan(salty) katu(pungent), tikta(bitter), kasay (astringent) impact on the doshas, and individuals are advised to consume a balanced diet that aligns with their dosha constitution. This helps in preventing the aggravation of sharirik & manasik doshas, reducing inflammation, and supporting the body’s natural healing processes.
In Ayurlife Dietician & Ayurvedic doctors advise proper Diet chart .
Ayurlife is the best Pain Management Centre in Kolkata.
Contact/watsapp: 9830332926 or www.ayurlife.co.in for details.
- *Yoga and Meditation:*
Free hand exercise, Muscle relaxing exercise, Stretch exercise, Strengthening exercise are very much effective for Pain.
Asana like Makarasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana, Bhujangasana, shalvasana, are very much effective. But all the exercise, Pranayam, Asana should practise under Doctor Advice.
Meditation and mindfulness techniques are also employed to address the mental and emotional aspects of pain, promoting relaxation and reducing stress-related pain.
Ayurlife the best Panchakarma clinic in Kolkata gives proper instruction for Yoga, Asana & Pranayam.
Contact/watsapp: 9830332926 or www.ayurlife.co.in for details.
- Panchakarma Therapies: Most improvised, Relevant & Scientific Time tested treatment of Ayurveda for Chronic Pain.
Traditional Ayurvedic therapies for Pain are
1)Abhyanga (Medicated Oil massage)
2) Snehan : External oliation by medicated Oil.
3) Swedan : Medicated Fomentation.
4) Nasya : Nasal Administration of Medicated Oil.
5) Vasti : Medicated Purgation
6) Kati Vasti: Medicated Douche on Low back area Lumber, Sacral & iliac region
7) Griba Vasti:Medicated Douche on Cervical region
8) Janu Vasti: Medicated Douche on Knee
9) Pizichill: Keraliyan Method
10) Navarakizzi: Kearaliyan Method.
Panchakarma (detoxification), and Shirodhara (oil pouring on the forehead), are employed for pain relief. These therapies aim to balance the doshas, improve circulation, and promote the elimination of toxins from the body. They are often prescribed based on the individual’s dosha constitution and the specific nature of the pain.
Ayurlife the best Ayurvedic Treatment Centre & Panchakarma clinic in Kolkata gives proper guidance for Classical Ayurved & Panchakarma treatment.
Chief Clinical Director Prof Dr Pallabi Mukherjee MD, PhD (Ayu) is clinically experienced & nationally acclaimed Ayurvedic Physician . Total 26 types of Panchakarma Therapy done under her supervision in most reasonable price & with medicine of multinational companies.
Contact/watsapp: 9830332926 or www.ayurlife.co.in for details.
- *Lifestyle Modifications:*
In Ayurvedic perview life style modification done according to Dinacharya & Ritucharya quoted in Ayurvedic text..
Ayurvedic practitioners guide individuals on making lifestyle adjustments to support pain management. This may include establishing regular daily routines, ensuring adequate sleep, and managing stress through techniques like Pranayama (breath control). These lifestyle modifications contribute to long-term pain relief by addressing the underlying imbalances.
Ayurlife the best Panchakarma clinic in Kolkata where experienced doctors panel gives proper instruction for Life Style modification.
Contact/watsapp: 9830332926 or www.ayurlife.co.in for details.
In conclusion, Ayurvedic treatment’s effectiveness for pain lies in its comprehensive and individualized approach. By addressing the root causes of pain, promoting dosha balance, and incorporating natural remedies and lifestyle adjustments, Ayurveda offers a holistic solution that goes beyond symptom management, contributing to sustainable well-being.