Ayurved the mother of all medical science is a judicious combination of all medical system. Prevention is more important than cure is main principle of ayurvedic treatment. Ayurved treat a human being in a holistic approach considering the equilibrium state of Dosa, Dhatu, Mal, Jata sharer prakriti, Des , Kla etc.

Ayurveda offers a comprehensive approach to treat indigestion and acidity. Ayurvedic principles focus on balancing the body’s involves understanding the underlying imbalances.


Dietary Guidelines:

According to Ayurvedic medical science food are of 6 taste madhur(sweet), amla(sour), lavan(salty), katu(pungent), tikta(bitter), kasay(astringent) .This 6 types of  food are responsible for balancing of the functional unit of human body- 3 types of Doasa & Jatharagni which maintain the digestive system. So diet plays an important role to balance the Doasas as well as to balance the kayagni\Jatharagni or digestive system. Every diet has 2 types of Birja(Potentiality) Usna (warm) or Shita (cold) , every diet has their specific effect or Pravab .These are very much important for digestive disorder.

Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of maintaining a proper diet to prevent indigestion and acidity. It suggests favoring foods that pacify Pitta dosha, such as cooling and hydrating fruits like melons and berries, leafy greens, and whole grains. Avoiding spicy, fried, and acidic foods is crucial, as these can aggravate Pitta and contribute to digestive issues.

Herbal Remedies:

Some medicinal plants play a significant role in managing indigestion and acidity. The Phytocontituents or Bio maker present in these herbs helps to enhance digestive system, activate different digestive enzymes.

Triphala, a combination of three fruits (amalaki, bibhitaki, and haritaki), is renowned for its digestive benefits. It helps to regulate bowel movements and detoxifies the digestive tract. Ajowan, Pipul, Shunti, Marich, Chita , Mutha , Bidanga,Bilva, Chai, Dhone, Jastimadhu,Misreya, Jirak, Tejpata like herbs are significant for their Dipan, Pachan, Vedan, Grahi, Rechan property & They cure the disease like Grahani, Agnimandya, Ajirna, Atisar, Aruchi,&  Amlapitta .The compound formulation containing these herbs according to classical text are very much effective for digestive disorder.

“Ayurlife” Life with Ayurveda is the best Ayurvedic treatment centre in Kolkata for the treatment of digestive disorder. In this clinic Doctors prescribe classical text oriented compound mixture of medicinal plants & Single herbs according to necessity.

Ayurvedic Formulations:

Ayurvedic practitioners often prescribe specific formulations mentioned in classical text according to individual needs. Avipattikar Churna, a blend of herbs is known for its effectiveness in relieving acidity. Additionally, Hingwastak Churna, containing asafoetida and other herbs, aids in digestion and reduces bloating. Chatuhsam Churna, Vuktapak Churna, Trifala Churna , Trikatu Churna, Chitrakadi Churna like dust combination, Agnitundi vati , Chitrakadi Vati, Marichadi Vati, Mahasankha Vati like table preparation, Kutajarista, JIrakadyarista, Mustakarista, like medicinal preparation are very much effective in all types of Digestive disorder. But all these medicine should be taken as per Ayurvedic Doctor’s advice.

Lifestyle Modifications:

Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of a balanced lifestyle by maintaining Dinacharya & Ritu charya. Eating meals at regular intervals, practicing mindful eating, and avoiding overeating are crucial aspects. Eating when agni or digestive system is in balancing condition is healthy. Eating only after digestion of previously taken food is prescribed. Full Incorporating relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga can also help manage stress, which is often linked to digestive issues

Ayurlife, is the best Ayurvedic treatment centre in Kolkata for digestive disorder You can get proper Life style modification advice according to Classical text.

Ayurvedic Panchakarma Therapies:

Virechan or Medicated purgation is the best Bio-Purification method to Treat vitiated Pitta Dosa & specify Agni. Abhyanga, a traditional Ayurvedic massage using herbal oils, is believed to stimulate digestion and promote a sense of well-being. Sometimes Vaman or medical Emesis are usefull for Digestive Disorder.

Panchakarma, a Biopurification therapy, is another approach to address the root causes of indigestion by eliminating toxins from the body.

Ayurlife is the best Panchakarma therapy in Kolkata. Total 30 types of Panchakarma therapy & all Keralian Panchakarma therapy performed over here according to classical text in very low cost under supervision of Prof Dr. Pallabi Mukherjee MD, PhD (Ayu).

Hydration and Digestive Teas:

Drinking warm water throughout the day is recommended to aid digestion. Ayurvedic Kadha recommended by AYUSH Department Government of India or Herbal teas made from Cumin,Ginger, Coriander, and fennel seeds (CCF tea) are good for their digestive benefits. These seeds collectively help to balance the digestive system in the body.

Mindful Eating Practices:

Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of mindful eating to enhance digestion. Ahar bidhi (Rules of diet) are very much prescribed in different texts of Ayurved. This involves eating in a calm environment, specific manner , considering the quality, state, amount of food, considering the time of eating, and paying attention to the body’s hunger and fullness cues. Avoiding distractions while eating can also contribute to better digestion.

Dosha-Specific Approaches:

Ayurvedic treatments are often personalized based on an individual’s dominant dosha. For those with aggravated Pitta, cooling practices and foods are recommended. Vata-dominant individuals may benefit from warm, grounding foods and routines. Balancing these doshas is fundamental to preventing digestive imbalances.

In conclusion, Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to treat indigestion and acidity by addressing the root causes and promoting overall well-being.

Indigestion or Acidity is a common ailment effects maximum people. It’s a life style disorder also. Hurry, Curry, Anxiety Tension stressful life are responsible for Indigestion. To keep digestive system strength proper diet is mandatory.

Ayurved believes in preventive measure. Inclusion of some medicinal herbs in regular diet, maintaining some special conduct, yoga , pranayam & following doctors’ advice are very much helpful to control proper digestive system.

Ayurlife is a dedicated multispecialty ayurvedic treatment centre where panellist ayurvedic doctor give proper advise in a well-equipped ambiance & at a very low cost.

Visit or call 9830332926.

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